Massachusetts Manufacturing Accelerate Program (MMAP)
Looking to Grow and Scale Your Business? The MMAP program can help.
The MMAP program aims to help Massachusetts-based small to medium-sized manufacturers prepare their businesses to meet the demands of Industry 4.0 and the manufacturing of new technologies and innovations that align with key industries in the state. Grant funding can be used for capital expenditures under GAAP.
Example Video Submissions
Webinar Recording (Video)
Presentation Slides (PDF)
How MMAP Works
The MMAP grant runs annually, utilizing a streamlined application and approval process to ease the burden on manufacturers and to create an immediate impact on your company's growth.
- Provides CAPITAL: Through necessary capital equipment purchases, you, a manufacturer will have access to new supply chain connections, new opportunities, and growth. (For what qualifies as capital, refer to the procurement page)
- Creates PARTNERSHIPS: This program aims to make connections between manufacturers and non-profit partners (such as MassMEP, Academic Institutions, MassHire, Economic Development Councils). These partnerships will provide assistance through technical support, workforce development support, business connections, or other means of assistance, depending on the partner, to help manufacturers drive efficiencies and scale their business.
Priorities will be given to projects that:
- Align with key industries within the state, which include Microelectronics, Defense/Aerospace, Electrification technologies, Additive Manufacturing, Robotics, Automation, Cybersecurity, and projects related to sustainable manufacturing; and
- Broaden impact across regional, social, economic, and racial boundaries.
Funds Available
The maximum grant award per manufacturer is $200,000.
A 1:1 minimum cost share is required by the manufacturer.
Projects will be judged by an independent panel of ecosystem experts. Final award decisions are made by the Mass Tech Collaborative after reviewing expert recommendations.
MMAP Application and Review Criteria
Below is the key judging criteria.
Frequently utilized Non-Profit partners include, but are not limited to:
- Berkshire Innovation Center: Ben Sosne,
- GBMP, Bruce Hamilton,
- MassMEP: Lisa Oden,
- MassHire, Southeast: Donna Ramos,
- MassHire, Northeast: Maryanne Ham,
- MassHire, Central: Kelley French,
- Local economic development councils
This section contains three video submissions by former MMAP grantees. If you would like to see examples of successful submissions please view below: